E Penh Co. Ltd Contributed to the Bikes and Books Program

13 August 2023

At Takeo Province

E Penh Co. Ltd Contributed to the Bikes and Books Program At Takeo Province, Cambodia at the Ang Tlork Raing Sey primary school on Sunday 13th August 2023. This is part of E Penh CSR program to support and give back to the Communities in Cambodia. 

The contribution was to support young children (10 to 14) who had to walk over 2.5 Km each way to get to the schools. This was proving to be challenging to both parents and students. A Bike program enabled student to travel to school and further the opportunities and careers in the future. 

E Penh Co. Ltd Strongly believes that investing and contributing to a strong education foundation is the Future of young children everywhere in the world and Education has proven to be the most successful method for poverty irradiation worldwide.  E Penh Co. Ltd has also contributed to CSR Program such as STEM Program in Cambodia, PSE Program at the Hotel School and Business School and contributing to vital internships and inhouse Knowledge based training to guide career paths of aspiring students.  By Supporting E Penh Co. Ltd Business, you are also contributing to the Social, Economic and Educational Development in Cambodia, India and South Africa.